Eight matches to watch on Non-League Day 2023 in the North East

Non-League Day is coming up on Saturday, March 25 and SportsByte has found eight matches you could attend if you are in the north east.
The day itself is a celebration of all things non-league, whether that is the cheaper tickets, the close-knit crowd or the feeling you are part of something greater as fans of all types come together.
It gives supporters an opportunity to thank the volunteers that make a football club run, from the social media managers all the way to the turnstile operators. Without any one of them, the club would not run successfully.
“Non-League Day was set up by James Doe in 2010 as a social media experiment,” Non League Day’s website says, ” after being inspired by a pre-season trip to Devon to watch Queens Park Rangers play at Tavistock.
“It has now grown to become an annual part of the football calendar, backed by Premier League and Football League clubs, MPs, celebrities, media organisations, charities and most importantly the non-league clubs themselves and the fans who turn up on the day.”
With the international break in effect that week, why not travel to a non-league match near you and see for yourself what the lower leagues have to offer?