Team Sunderland Netball 1sts secure win in final seconds of 46-45 win
Team Sunderland Netball Women’s 1sts once again remain unbeaten at home after a drastic finale finish.
The first quarter started off strong for Sheffield, with the Yorkshire-based opposition advancing against the home side. After a rocky first five mins, the home side were able to equalise against the opposition. Sunderland was able to progress by four shots in three minutes due to errors by Sheffield. Going into the second quarter, the home side were leading by over double, 16-9.
Sheffield started the second quarter strong after Sunderland conceded four in the first four mins. With only two minutes left, Sheffield had drastically closed the score line. Despite the away side’s striving to close the scoreline, Sunderland stayed ahead, 25-23.
After Sunderland’s GD rolled her ankle and Sheffield saw this as an opportunity.
In the third quarter, Sunderland made a change in GA, Sunderland was able to keep the score in close range. The home side equalised with one minute left, but the away side scored with two seconds to remaining, 35-36.
Sunderland was quick to get back into their rhythm and close the gap due to Sheffield’s mistakes within the fourth minute. Sunderland was determined to not lose at home and had full support from the crowd. Sheffield was making easy mistakes in the closing minutes.
A dramatic final minute as Sunderland scored and won the game.